Product Page 14
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.54422.0873
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Python Environments 3.11
by Lucas Moura Belo, Jim McKeeth in Libraries for Delphi
Components to simplify the deployment for Python environments for Delphi applications using Python4Delphi. This powers the Delphi Data Sciences Libraries. This is an early access preview, but you are encouraged to try it out, file bug reports, and add features.
Delphi4Python Exporter 1.2.1
by Delphi4PythonExporter in IDE Plugins for Delphi
Design your Python GUI using Delphi's VCL and FMX designers and then export them for Python use.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.54372.0817
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Python4Delphi 1.0
by Dietmar Budelsky, Morgan Martinet, Kiriakos Vlahos in Libraries for Delphi
Python for Delphi (P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi. They let you easily execute Python scripts, create new Python modules and new Python types. You can create Python extensions as DLLs and much more.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.54352.0785
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
StyledComponents 3.8.1
by Ethea S.r.l. in Components for Delphi
Components similar to Delphi VCL Buttons, Toolbar, DbNavigator, BindNavigator, ButtonGroup and CategoryButtons with Custom Graphic Styles, and an advanced, full-customizable TaskDialog, also with animations.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.54282.0693
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Gemini API wrapper for Delphi 1.0
by MaxiDonkey (Galactic911) in IDE Plugins for Delphi
The Gemini API wrapper for Delphi utilizes advanced models developed by Google to provide robust capabilities, including interactive chat, text embeddings, code generation, image and video prompting, audio analysis and transcription, fine-tuning, caching, and integration with Google Search.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.54252.0672
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.