RAD Studio
Product Page 14
SVGIconImageList VCL and FMX 4.1.3
by Ethea S.r.l. in Components for Delphi
Four advanced components to simplify use of SVG images and SVG icons into ImageList: TSVGIconImage, TSVGIconImageCollection, TSVGIconVirtualImageList, TSVGIconImageList (for VCL and FMX). Choose the preferred engine to render SVG (Delphi Image32, Delphi TSVG, SKIA4Delphi, Direct2D).
Gorilla3D Developer Edition
by Gorilla Software in Components for RAD Studio
Delphi FireMonkey addon for building 3D games or multimedia applications for Windows and Android. The package provides many useful components like different material types, model animation, skybox, terrain, volume and fog rendering, assets and prefab management, input controller, thirdperson/firstperson controller, render passes, Q3 Physics component, dialogue, inventory and skill components and many supported formats: DAE, glTF, FBX, STL, OBJ, SKP, etc.
Trial - TMS WEB Core
by tmssoftware.com bvba in Components for RAD Studio
Framework for creating modern web applications.
Trial - TMS FNC UI Pack
by tmssoftware.com bvba in Components for RAD Studio
Use one UI control set to master application development in VCL, FMX and LCL. Includes grid, planner, treeview, richeditor, toolbar,…
Trial - TMS VCL UI Pack
by tmssoftware.com bvba in Components for RAD Studio
Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with well over 600 components in one money and time saving bundle for Delphi & C++Builder
Trial - TMS FNC Maps
by tmssoftware.com bvba in Components for RAD Studio
Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for mapping, geographical data, timezone visualization, routes and directions calculation.
VCL Style - Windows11 Polar Dark 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Styles for Delphi
VCL Windows Style - Windows11 Polar Dark. Moden VCL Style with Windows11 Dark UI.
VCL Windows Style - Windows11 White Smoke 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Styles for Delphi
VCL Windows Style - Windows11 White Smoke. Moden VCL Style with Windows11 Light UI.
VCL Windows Style - Windows11 Mine Shaft 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Styles for Delphi
VCL Windows Style - Windows11 Mine Shaft. Moden VCL Style with Windows11 Dark UI.
VCL Style - Windows11 Polar Light 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Styles for Delphi
VCL Windows Style - Windows11 Polar Light. Moden VCL Style with Windows11 Light UI.