Embarcadero Technologies
Erste Schritte mit RAD Studio - Ausgabe 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Promoted for RAD Studio
Ein umfassender Leitfaden für Entwickler, die neu in Delphi und C++Builder sind. Dieses E-Book ist ideal für den Einstieg in RAD Studio und für Entwickler, die mehr aus den vorhandenen Programmen machen wollen. Es behandelt die wichtigsten Themen wie Installation und Einrichtung, Verständnis der IDE, Vergleich der RAD Studio-Syntax mit C#-, Java-, Python- und TypeScript-Code, Erstellen der ersten Anwendungen, Debugging von Code, wichtige Bibliotheken und Frameworks, einschließlich Datenbankkonnektivität, plattformübergreifende und mehrschichtige Entwicklung.
AWS SDK for Delphi 1.4.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Libraries for Delphi
The Embarcadero Edition of the Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi provides essential AWS features and support for the following services: Cognito (User Pools), Cognito (Identity Pools), Polly, Simple Email Service (SESV2), Simple Notification Service (SNS), Simple Queue Service (SQS), Simple Storage Service (S3), Textract, Amazon Translate, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), AWS Secrets Manager. More services coming soon. Distributed by Embarcadero for free to Enterprise and Architect customers on subscription.
Android SDK Manager 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in IDE Plugins for Delphi
A visual tool to help you configure different versions of the Android SDK in RAD Studio a very simple way.
Bonus Radiant Shapes 1.5
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
Radiant Shapes is a set of graphical FireMonkey controls, now included in RAD Studio.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.55362.2017
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.55342.2010
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.55322.2002
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.55312.2001
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.55262.1937
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.
Ribbon Classic Controls 23.0.55252.1927
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that if you deploy an application with these controls, you will have to agree to the Microsoft License to do so.