
Category Page 9

Sempare Template Engine for Delphi
Sempare Template Engine for Delphi 1.7.3
by Sempare Limited in Libraries for Delphi

Sempare Template Engine for Delphi allows for flexible text manipulation. It can be used for generating email, html, source code, xml, configuration, etc.

17 Nov 2023
GPL v3.0 or Sempare Commercial

EdgeBrowser Demo and Imports Update
EdgeBrowser Demo and Imports Update 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Libraries for RAD Studio

EdgeBrowser imported headers demo update for WebView2 SDK 1.0.1210.39. The demo includes new features of the WebView2 SDK.

20 Oct 2022

WebMocks 3.2.1
by Appercept Ltd. in Libraries for Delphi

Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Delphi with DUnitX.

22 Jun 2022
Apache License 2.0

Circular Buffer
Circular Buffer 1.1
by Team Circular buffer in Libraries for Delphi

Generics based simple circular buffer implementation with included management of object instances.

19 May 2022
APL 2.0

JEDI Code Library
JEDI Code Library 2023.11
by Project JEDI in Libraries for RAD Studio

The JEDI Code Library (JCL) consists of a set of thoroughly tested and fully documented utility functions and non-visual classes which can be instantly reused in your Delphi and C++ Builder projects.

18 Feb 2022
Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)

EdgeView2 SDK
EdgeView2 SDK 1.0.1054.31
by Microsoft in Libraries for RAD Studio

The Microsoft Edge WebView2 control enables you to host web content in your Windows app.

24 Dec 2021
Microsoft.Web.WebView2 License

Firebase SDK for iOS
Firebase SDK for iOS 6.28
by Embarcadero Technologies in Libraries for RAD Studio

RAD Studio 10.4.2

26 Jan 2021
Apache License