Category Page 16
EurekaLog Tools
by Neos Eureka S.r.l. in Components for RAD Studio
EurekaLog Tools is a set of useful freeware tools, such as Address Lookup, Error Lookup, PE Analyzer, Threads Snapshot, etc.
Fast Report VCL and FMX 2023.3
by Embarcadero Technologies in Components for RAD Studio
Report generator FastReport VCL & FMX is a modern solution for integrating Business Intelligence in your software. It has been created for developers who want to use ready-made components for reporting. FastReport VCL & FMX, with its simplicity of use, convenience and small distribution size is able to provide high functionality and performance on almost any modern PC.
Mobile Permissions Component for Android 2.1
by Adriano Santos in Components for RAD Studio
This component has as main purpose, to facilitate the request of resource permissions on Android. With just a few lines of code it is possible to facilitate this work in mobile Android applications.