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QuickLogger 1.45
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi

QuickLogger is a Delphi/Firemonkey (Windows/Linux/OSX/IOS/Android) library for logging on files, console, memory, email, rest, eventlog, syslog, slack, telegram, redis, logstash, elasticsearch, influxdb, graylog, ide debug messages and throw events.

23 Feb 2024
Apache 2.0

QuickLib 2.2
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi

QuickLib expands language functionality with lots of improved and quick to implement functions like AutoMapper, MemoryCache, IOC Dependency Injection, Scheduled and Background tasks with retry and fail control, Json/Yaml/Registry config, Serializers, Benchmarking and more. Delphi/Firemonkey (Windows/Linux/iOS/OSX/Android).

23 Feb 2024
Apache 2.0

QuickImageFx 1.30
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi

Libray for simplifying image load/save, conversion and transformation. Can load/save png, jpg, jxl, webp, avif, tiff, gif and bmp. Can get image from different resources: file, stream, http, imagelist, associated windows icon, executable file icon, etc. Rotate, flip, grayscale and many other transformations. GDI+, raphics32, OpenCV, Vampyre and LibVips engines available.

23 Feb 2024
Apache 2.0

QuickCore 1.1
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi

Delphi Framework to build high-performance and scalable desktop, mobile and web applications easily like dotnet core, LinQ, ORM, cache, webserver, etc.

23 Feb 2024
Apache 2.0

TComPortDrv 3.1
by Team TComPortDrv in Libraries for RAD Studio

Non-visual serial I/O component.

19 Feb 2024
Apache 2.0

Windows API from WinMD
Windows API from WinMD 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Libraries for Delphi

Delphi header files for the latest Windows API imported from Microsoft WinMD metadata, for Win32 and Win64

9 Feb 2024
Embarcadero EULA

Delphi Code Coverage Wizard Plus
Delphi Code Coverage Wizard Plus 2.1.1
by Team Delphi Code Coverage in Libraries for Delphi

A graphical wizard to generate everything needed to run code coverage analysis of your DUnit/DUnitX unit tests (means: check if those execute all of your code lines). It includes the tool to run the coverage analysis.

5 Jan 2024
MPL 1.1

IPWorks 2020 Delphi Edition
IPWorks 2020 Delphi Edition 20.0.8747
by /n software inc. in Libraries for Delphi

IPWorks is a comprehensive framework of easy-to-use components for Internet development, including FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, DNS, SMS, SOAP, etc.

13 Dec 2023

FB4D: Open-Source Cross-Platform Library for Firebase
FB4D: Open-Source Cross-Platform Library for Firebase 1.6
by Schneider Infosystems Ltd. in Libraries for RAD Studio

The Google Firebase Cloud Database is used in many mobile and web applications worldwide and there are well-documented libraries for many languages and platforms. For Delphi, the cross-platform library FB4D supports the Firebase Realtime Database, the Firestore Database, the Firebase Storage (for file storage), and Firebase Functions (for calling server functions). For authentication, FB4D currently supports email/password authentication and anonymous login. The library builds on the Firebase REST-API and provides all functionality with synchronous and asynchronous methods for the usage within GUI application, services, and background threads. Both frameworks VCL and Firemonkey are supported. The library is a pure source code library and relies on class interfaces.

8 Dec 2023
Apache License 2.0

Trysil 1.0
by David Lastrucci in Libraries for Delphi

Trysil - Operation ORM

6 Dec 2023
Mozilla Public License 2.0