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Boost 1.85 for the Win64x
Boost 1.85 for the Win64x Toolchain
by Embarcadero Technologies in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

The Boost libraries are a set of C++ libraries that significantly expand the language using template metaprogramming. This is for the Win64 platform only.

3 Jun 2024

Boost 1.70 for the Win64
Boost 1.70 for the Win64 Toolchain
by Embarcadero Technologies in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

The Boost libraries are a set of C++ libraries that significantly expand the language using template metaprogramming. This is for the Win64 platform only.

17 Apr 2024

Boost 1.70 for the Win32 Clang-enhanced
Boost 1.70 for the Win32 Clang-enhanced Toolchain
by Embarcadero Technologies in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

The Boost libraries are a set of C++ libraries that significantly expand the language using template metaprogramming. This is for the Win32 Clang-enhanced toolchain only.

11 Apr 2024

Boost 1.39 for the Win32 Classic
Boost 1.39 for the Win32 Classic Toolchain
by Embarcadero Technologies in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

The Boost libraries are a set of C++ libraries that significantly expand the language using template metaprogramming. This version (1.39) is for the classic toolchain for Win32 only. Use Boost 1.70 for the modern Win32 and Win64 Clang-enhanced platforms.

11 Apr 2024

Catch2 3.0
by Catch2 in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

Catch2 is mainly a unit testing framework for C++, but it also provides basic micro-benchmarking features, and simple BDD macros. Catch2's main advantage is that using it is both simple and natural. Test names do not have to be valid identifiers, assertions look like normal C++ boolean expressions, and sections provide a nice and local way to share set-up and tear-down code in tests.

14 Nov 2023
Boost Software License

TinyXML2 2.0
by Lee Thomason in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

TinyXML-2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs.

13 Nov 2023
zlib license

NemaTode 1.0
by ckgt in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

Cross platform C++ 11 NMEA Parser and GPS Framework. NemaTode is yet another lightweight generic NMEA parser. It also comes with a GPS data interface to handle the most popular GPS NMEA sentences.

13 Nov 2023
ZLib license

libsimdpp 1.0
by Povilas Kanapickas in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

Portable header-only zero-overhead C++ low level SIMD library.

13 Nov 2023
Boost Software License

expat 1.0
by Expat development team in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

This is Expat, a C library for parsing XML, started by James Clark in 1997. Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser. This means that you register handlers with the parser before starting the parse. These handlers are called when the parser discovers the associated structures in the document being parsed. A start tag is an example of the kind of structures for which you may register handlers.

13 Nov 2023

EasyBMP 1.0
by Paul Macklin in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

EasyBMP is a simple, cross-platform, open source (revised BSD) C++ library designed for easily reading, writing, and modifying Windows bitmap (BMP) image files.

13 Nov 2023
BSD License